Wednesday, November 9, 2016

PE7 Evaluation


Looking back at the goals and activities that I planned at the beginning of this semester, I was able accomplish some but not all of them. I was able to go to Japanese language table several times. I listened to a little bit of Japanese music but I could definitely listen to more.
I was not able to watch any anime or learn new words each week. However, I was able to review Japanese each weekend and practice making my speech natural sounding.

For the second half of the semester, I want to work extremely hard on improving my grammar (particles) and my accuracy in pitch intonation. I will work hard to accomplish all/almost all my goals this time, especially reviewing each weekend for 30 minutes and doing the extra shadowing practice.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and following me on my journey of learning Japanese. Hope to see the fruits of my hard work soon!



リリアン チェン


  1. リリアンさん、こんばんは!わたしのなまえはSteveです。コロンビアだいがくのがくせい。よろしくおねがいします。

    1. ファンさん、こんにちは。コロンビア ゆうめいです。ニューヨークは つきですか。ファンさんの せんこうは なんですか。
