Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Goal and Activity Blog


My goals for Japanese are to:
1. Improve on fluidity and clarity. I can currently understand and pick out hiragana characters but I would like to be able to read them and speak them at an accelerated rate.

2. Improve on word pitch. Make sure that my words and sentence phrases have the correct pitch patterns too. Practice speaking new words in their correct speech patterns in class and outside class (for 10 minutes) M, W, and F. Use Suzuki-san/OJAD for help.

3. Obtain a more native Japanese accent. Both American and Chinese, I have a distinct accent that, when I speak Japanese, makes my Japanese sound unauthentic and foreign. I hope to speak greetings and our learned words more quickly and naturally.

Activity Goals for improving my Japanese:

1. Go to language tables at least twice a month to practice my Japanese with Makino-sensee and other Japanese peers/professors.

2. Record shadowing of textbook chapter audio sections (SAM). Submit one per week to Shibata-sensee.

3. Review previous chapters for 30 mins on both Saturday and Sunday prior to Monday's classes. Refresh on uncertain terms.

3. Listen to Japanese music for 15 minutes every other day and try to pick out words you know.

4. Study abroad this summer in Japan or do an internship/global seminar in Japan.

I look forward to accomplishing my goals and improving my Japanese!



<Revised goals and activities>


  1. こんにちはちぇんさん!We seem to have similar goals. I'm definitely still struggling with reading and pronouncing glides and long consonants. Did you make it to the first language table? I hope to go at least once a month, but I still haven't gone haha. I hope you get to go to Japan over the summer! じゃ、また。

  2. I like your goals and the usage of gifs! :D
    I too hope to study/intern abroad this summer in Japan to further immerse myself in the culture. Your study commitment on the weekend is admirable, and I also plan to do the same to constantly review material! Thank you for the great ideas!

  3. ちぇんさん こんにちは!
    わたしは かんさいだいがく の 菜奈美(ななみ)です。 おおさかにすんでいます。

  4. Speed in recognizing hiragana is definitely something I need to work on as well. Good luck!

  5. ちぇんさん, おはようございます、


